The impact of social media use on personal relationships

Participant information letter


Dear Participant, 

I would like to invite you to participate in a scientific study that examines the impact of social media use on personal relationships. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to participate, I will need your online consent before proceeding.

Before you decide whether to participate in this research, you will be informed about what the research involves. Please read this information carefully.

1. Research background and purpose

Social media has become an integral part of our lives and has had a significant impact on various aspects of our behaviors and attitudes, including romantic relationships. Previous research has shown that social media use can have both positive and negative effects in this area. By investigating these potential effects, our findings may contribute to a better understanding of how social media shapes modern relationships in an increasingly digital world.

2. What it means to participate and what is expected of you 

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey. This survey will include questions about your social media habits, your experiences in romantic relationships, aspects of your personality, and some basic demographic information.

3. Potential benefits and harms

There are no foreseeable risks or harms associated with participating in this study. One potential benefit is that you will be contributing data to research that aims to advance our knowledge of the interplay between social media and relationships, a relatively new and unknown topic.

Although this study is not expected to cause significant stress, I understand that reflecting on personal relationships and experiences with social media could potentially evoke negative feelings or emotions for some participants. If you experience any discomfort or distress during or after your participation, please know that support resources are available. I encourage you to contact your primary care physician or a mental health professional if you feel like you need further assistance.

4. If you do not want to participate or want to stop the research

It is your decision whether to participate in the research. Participation is voluntary. If you decide not to participate, there will be no negative consequences for you. If you do participate, you can change your mind and stop at any time, even during the research. Participants can leave the study at any time by simply closing the questionnaire or by emailing the researcher. You do not have to explain why you quit. The data collected up to that point may be used for research purposes.

5. End of participation

Your participation in the research will end when you complete the online questionnaire.

6. Use and storage of your data

Demographic information will be collected, used, and stored for this study. This includes age, gender, employment status, education level, relationship status, and length of relationship. The collection, use and storage of your information is necessary to answer the questions posed in this study. The results of the research will be shared with Dr. Wim Waterink and Dr. Jannes Eshuis. The data cannot be traced back to you in reports and publications about the research.

The data may also be shared with other researchers for further research. The shared data will not contain any information that can be traced back to you. Further research will have no consequences and will be completely anonymous.

7. Confidentiality of your data 

The demographic data cannot identify you in any way. The data is securely stored by the Open Universiteit. Persons with access to the information are

Jasper von Richthofen (Researcher)

Dr. Wim Waterink (Supervisor)

Dr. Jannes Eshuis (Assessor)

8. Access to your data for control purposes

In order to assess whether the research has been conducted in a reliable manner, members of a visitation committee may review the information.

9. Duration of data storage

Your data will be kept by the Open Universiteit for 10 years.

10. More information about your rights with regard to data processing

For general information about your rights in relation to the processing of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority. The Open Universiteit’s privacy statement can be found at

11. Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact Jasper von Richthofen at  

12. Signing the consent form

If you have had enough time to think about it, you will be asked to decide if you want to participate in this study. Your consent indicates that you have understood the information and agree to participate in the research.

Link to participate

Research study until October 31st, 2024