Verification links:
All verification links in emails only work for 24 hours. If it is no longer active, you must register again for an study.
It is important for O4U that you have enabled javascript in your browser. By default, this is always on.
To unsubscribe from a study:
If you no longer wish to participate in a study, you can unsubscribe. Log in to O4U and click on "My account" at the top right.
Then click on the "My studies" tab.
Click on "Leave study" for the study you want to unsubscribe from.
Then confirm your choice.
Remove Account:
Do you wish to remove your account from O4U. Log in to O4U and click on "My account" at the top right.
Then click on the "Edit" tab
Click "Cancel Account".
You will now receive an email with a verification link.
If you click this, your account will be removed from O4U.
Forgot your password:
To reset your password, go to "Login" and click on the "Reset your password" tab.
Enter your e-mail address and you will receive an e-mail message with a reset link.
Click on it and immediately change your password.